Nathaniel Dorsky, the New York Times, & My Senior Thesis

Luminous FIlm

I was recently quoted in the New York Times as an "academic" authority on Nathaniel Dorsky. Needless to say, I'm quite pleased:

"The academic Cameron McLain has underscored the influence of the 14th-century Tibetan mystic Longchenpa on Mr. Dorsky. This influence surfaces in “Devotional Cinema,” when Mr. Dorsky writes that “aggressive” editing can mask the “primal reality” of the shots, which “as moments of luminous accommodation, ripen and expand and are popped like soap bubbles by the cut.” He also refers to the “emptiness of the view,” which I take as a nod to the Buddhist idea that the real world is beyond human understanding."

You can read the article here or the initial chapter from my senior thesis, Empty Vessels: A Lineage of Buddhist American Artists.